Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gran Turismo 5 Kart Racing Autumn Ring Mini - Advanced

This is the first Gran Turismo 5 Kart Racing video uploaded to YouTube by Alvis. Though he has been playing racing games for the past 4 years but this is by far the most closest to his kart racing. Please enjoy the video and there will more in the future.

Gran Turismo 5 Kart Racing Autumn Ring Mini (Replay) - Advanced

Friday, November 19, 2010

FFSA Ecole Française de Karting (EFK) De Kart Center Biscarrosse

So far, Alvis learns most of his driving skill from playing racing simulator games.  Knowing that is insufficient for his learning path, he was enrolled to learn go karting at Ecole Française de Karting (EFK) De Kart Center Biscarrosse under the teaching of  David CRUZ.  

Beside learning karting skills at the school, you will learn to respect the karting values and rules which apply on and off the racetrack.  The principles of these teachings are based on values such as respect for self and others and sporting behaviors.  Respect the signs and the flags on the track.  Respect the officials and rules of the sporting code on and off the circuit.


The course consists of 3 stages and will be taught over 24 weeks.
The first stages, Bronze Wheel:

Learning and knowing the different characteristics of the kart.  Know and respect the specification of the flags.  Control the kart without hitting and go between slalom cones.  Know and apply the safety maneuvers, staying in the kart when off the track and raise your hands to get attention to prevent accident.  Knowledge to stop in the shortest possible distance without locking the rear wheels.  Know to avoid an obstacle (short reaction, decision-making with emergency response). Learn to coordinate the management of the accelerator and brake.  Be able to make 3 timed laps, resulting in 110% of the time of referral.


Second stage, Silver Wheel:

Knowledge of the Bronze Wheel.  Ability to manage a safe distance with other drivers and respect those imposed by the instructor.  Knowing his position on the track and learn to look away and turn around without deflecting the trajectory of the kart.  Know how to drive the entire circuit without leaving the track.  Know how to prepare your kart.  Be able to make 3 timed laps, resulting in 105% of the time of referral.

Third stage, Gold Wheel:

Knowledge of the Silver Wheel.  Knowing how to adopt an ideal path without materialisation.  Know how to overtake or being overtaken without touching his opponent.  Learn the process and know how to take a departure.  Be able to make 3 timed laps, resulting in the 101 % of the time of reference.  The time of reference is the best time, achieved on the track for the category.

The above 3 stages descriptions were translated from FFSA Ecoles Françaises de Karting website.

Kart Center Biscarrosse

FFSA Ecoles Françaises de Karting (EFK)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Le Mans - Circuit Alain Prost

After winning the 2010 Trophée Kart Ufolep Sud-Ouest Championship, Alvis went to Circuit Alain Prost, Le Mans for some fun.

After the first session, the sky turned dark and it rained for about 10 minutes. Just before the second session, there were two rainbows appeared beautifully over the track.

What a nice timing to have for just two sessions, one dry and one wet. Alvis was having fun on the wet track. Though it is a new track to him but he handled well with the rented kart.

The staffs were friendly and kind to let him go a few extra rounds before closing for the day. One of the staff asked him whether he will come back again and Alvis replied, 'peut-être' which mean maybe. We had fun and would certainly like to return one day for Alvis to race at the international circuit.